Sunday, April 09, 2006

Rice Baby Meet-up: The Pumpkin Meets Squirt

The D.I.S.L. familia was in San Diego for one of la dra.'s medical conferences this weekend, and we got to go meet Squirt, the Rice Daddies' own Mr. Maestro's month-old bundle of joy. The Pumpkin was enthralled with the little guy, repeating "baby, baby, baby" like a mantra and displaying empathetic discomfort with every cry. We were especially amused when, while Mr. Maestro's estimable spouse, the Headmistress [hey, they're both teachers, and we all know who runs their house, yeah? and anyway, he never picked a nom de blog for her, so he can pick another one if he wants] was breastfeeding Squirt under a receiving blanket, The Pumpkin kept looking under the blanket to make sure "bay-bee" hadn't disappeared. (Well, maybe the Headmistress wasn't as amused.) Anyway, all are well (as well as the family of a one-month-old can be expected to be, that is, but hey, we've all been there), and la dra. got to share her knowledge of workplace breastpump etiquette with the Headmistress, who's returning to work next month. Mr. Maestro was at home for two weeks, then was back in the classroom for a week, and is now finishing up spring break. He promises that he'll try to post more about the joys of new fatherhood, in between lesson-planning and paper-grading and diaper-changing and wife's-shoulder-rubbing (I added that one, Headmistress, so thank me later). Anyway, Squirt's a cutie, with hair that does naturally what his daddy tries to do with liberal applications of gel. Welcome to the jungle, Maestro family. Things'll never be the same, and you wouldn't want them to be.


Anonymous said...

Incredibly cute picture, love how Pumpkin is so into babies, maybe you'll have to have another...;)
Take care, Lin

Anonymous said...

My better half can tell you all about work place etiquette on breast pumping. They are supposed to provide an area of privacy for stand up and let them know.

I love the pic. As a teacher myself...I know the hectic life of grading papers, diaper changing, late night bouncie sessions, and trying to create exams.

Anonymous said...

Great picture. It seems like Pumpkin will have lots of friends in the future.