It's that time of year again, when the existence of that jolly red-shirted fella is called into question. Last year it was a toss-up for me. This year, its been so busy we haven't even had time to think about it. But the kids are getting older and wiser (and asking for cellphones!).
So, ricedaddies and ricemommies, what's your verdict this year: is there a Santa Claus? Or is he just a freak in a velour suit?
I didn't grow up with the concept of Santa and didn't think that my DD, who just turned three, needed to grow up with the concept. On the other hand, the Mister did grow up with thinking there was a Santa. His mom would go out of her way to make her kids believe. Thus, the Mister wants to do the same for our children. So I relented and DD thinks Santa is coming to her house to bring presents and that she needs to be a good girl or Santa is coming.
Er, make that DD thinks she has to be a good girl or Santa is NOT coming.
oh, if anyone has any accounts or suggestions on how to handle this, we'd appreciate it. I grew up believing till I was like 9 or 10. My parents did a good job at making us believe. When I did figure it out, it didn't bother me much.
However, Mrs. SoulSnax (nee Ms. SexyPants) actually got into a fight with a girl at school because she believed, and the other girl made fun of her. So when Mom fessed up, Little Ms SexyPants was pretty angry... to the point that she doesn't want our little Sunshine to go experience the trauma.
I don't care either way, but now Mrs. SoulSnax is starting to feel a little conflicted about it because she doesn't want to deprive Sunshine of that little bit of Christmas magic.
So, let me get this paradigm straight. I spend 364 days a year telling my 2 year old to be careful of strangers, but once a year, I say, go ahead, sit on the strangely dressed fat bearded man's lap who smells like stale gin (not the good stuff, either) and ask him for stuff and he'll give you candy. I'm going to dress up as pan-Asian APA Santa and have all the kids line up at a long table with pancit, bulgogi, chow fun, gyoza, etc. and the kids who don't eat up don't get halo-halo for dessert. "Ho-ho-ho, are you hungry? Have you eaten yet? Take off your damn shoes in the house before Santa throws a tsinelas at your behind."
Growing up, my parents would have a pre-Christmas potluck for our closest friends and my dad would dress as Santa for a special "surprise visit" and give all the little kids a present.
Last year, with the population of the next generation growing at the party, we gave my dad a new suit to reinstate the tradition. The Pumpkin, who seems to be enthusiastic about the idea of Santa, responds to the physical manifestation by pretending he's not there, even when she's on his knee. She wouldn't look at him or acknowledge him at all, just staring stoically, even when when said, "Baby, it's just grandpa!"
P.S. Anyone else who grew up around the LA nikkei community remember Shogun Santa down in Little Tokyo? :)
I don't have kids yet but I've been thinking that the idea of taking my future kids to visit Santa doesn't really excite me. I think I'd probably take them if they asked.
I like the family party Santa thing. It was a good bonding moment between me and my cousins I think--even when we were too old for Santa.
My mom liked to pretend we still believed in Santa until we were like 18 so imagining myself hyping Santa for my kids kind of embarasses me.
Its funny, I dont equate believing in Santa with seeing a Santa -if anything, seeing a faux Santa makes it harder to believe in the real thing.
Oh, yeah, Santa exists- But he's not that guy at the mall!
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