So, things have been a little slow around here lately. Here's a little reminder to all my homies listed in the column to the right—come on home! It's okay. Heh. In the time since we've heard from some of you, a few of you have had second kids (that we've never heard of over here), others of you have celebrated milestones like first birthdays (again, that we've never heard about over here, even big ceremonial traditional Korean ones), and others of you have written great stuff in other places that, you know, could easily be crossposted over here. We don't mind. Just come home, brah. We miss you. Heh. And for any other AsAm dads out there who wanna add their voice, just holla.
Okay, so now to some fellow Rice Daddies in the news lately...
Late last month, Thomas Beatie gave birth to a daughter, and the first photos of father and child were released last week. [Psst! Hoy! Wanna blog here, Tom? Just let me know!]
Also last week, the New York Times ran a story about Dr. Arnold Kim, who's finally left medicine to run his blog, MacRumors.com, full time. Yeah boy! Besides his love of his subject and his ability to make almost as much money blogging as doctoring, the article points out another reason for the career shift: "He also had a practical reason for wanting the ability to work from home. Her name is Penelope, and she is 14 months old." [Again, Doc, if you wanna blog about things other than Apple, let me know!] [Hat-tip to Angry Asian Man.]
And finally [hat-tip again to Angry Asian Man], apparently, in my quest to find kiddie music that doesn't suck, I've somehow missed Nashville hapa singer-songwriter Steve Lee. His self-released kids' album, What Did You Do Today, Stephen Scott Lee?, is supposed to be pretty good, and is being followed up by an album calld "Steve Lee's Greatest Animal Hits" that includes an autobiographical growing-up-Asian-American track called "Say Herro." That's awesome. He was featured earlier this year in Koream Magazine. [Koream also featured our own MetroDad's Father's Day remembrance and a cover story on the man who's brought AsAm fatherhood to television sets everywhere, Jon Gosselin of "Jon & Kate + 8."] [And yeah, Jon? If you wanna, you know, blog? Right here for ya, buddy.] [And Steve, if you wanna get your CDs out to AsAm parents, please let us know!]
So, that's what's going on in the AsAmdadosphere. Here's hopin' that posting will be more frequent in the weeks ahead.
Hah. Were your ears burning? I was just wondering on my blog where the hell the daddies went.
I didn't really follow the news about the pregnant man - so didn't even realize he is part Asian.
I'm not a Kimchi Mama (technically), though I am Chi-Am...anyway, all that to say that I read here, there, and in between... and I think RD and KM should have a "Blog-off". You know, like that whole Miley Cyrus dance off YouTube thingy, only in blogosphere...didn't you guys do that once before a while back, I remember something vaguely connecting the two sites together for some contest or another...Maybe that will spark some action here again.
Thanks for mentioning Steve Lee--I'll have to check him out. We're always looking for good kids' music.
good for thomas.
thanks for keeping us in the know. man, you're doing some heavy recruiting for writers, huh?
*crosses fingers*
Thanks for the well wishes, and it's nice to be missed. :)
FYI, in the space of half a day, we've added two new dads to the roster, papa2hapa and Vincent. Can't wait to see their bylines here! Any other takers?
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