I turned 42 yesterday and took a Me Day. Below is a multiple choice list of things I was planning to do mixed in with what I actually did. Take the quiz to see how I spent a rare day off -- from work, from responsibility -- and check your scores in the comments.
I woke up at:
1) 5:30, when Maceo couldn't sleep so I dutifully kept him company and we watched the sun rise from our porch
2) 7am, the usual time, and got Maceo ready for daycare while Wifey got ready for work
3) 9:30am, I slept through the morning routine, a rarity Wifey gifted me on the b-day
4) I'm still sleeping
In the morning, I...
1) Walked the dog, got coffee and leisurely read the paper
2) Took the dog to the groomers and drove to Kaiser to pick out some new prescription glasses
3) Put out some fires at work (from home) and went to the gym.
4) All of the above
For lunch, I ate:
1) Todai, cashing in on the free b-day meal
2) A Clif bar and a glass of milk
3) A Double-Double at In-N-Out w/Wifey and Maceo
4) A spicy two-piece from Popeyes, with a Popcorn Shrimp side
During the afternoon, I...
1) Played in my afternoon work soccer game, showered, and shopped for new boots
2) Hit up Nordstrom Rack, bought bookshelf speakers and went record shopping
3) Got a violent body scrub at the Korean spa and took a long nap
4) Read some books, vacuumed and straightened the house
5) 2&4
6) 1&3
For dinner, I
1) Invited friends over for pizza and beer
2) Met up with Maceo and wifey at my favorite Japanese place
3) Ate leftovers
4) Hit up the other Todai on the east side
Dessert was... (candle included)
1) Key lime cheesecake
2) Deep fried Twinkie
3) Green Tea ice cream
4) Chocolate molten lava cake from Trader Joe's
Answers in the comments section!
I woke up at:
2) 7am, the usual time, and got Maceo ready for daycare while Wifey got ready for work. (No breaks here)
In the morning, I...
2) Took the dog to the groomers and drove to Kaiser to pick out some new prescription glasses. (The dog is shedding like crazy and I've been putting off the glasses for months. No better time!)
For lunch, I ate:
4) A spicy two-piece from Popeyes, with a Popcorn Shrimp side. (Hell to the yeah, with beans and rice)
During the afternoon, I...
5) 2&4. (Shopping without kid in tow is such a luxury)
For dinner, I...
2) Met up with Maceo and wifey at my favorite Japanese place. (Kaita in San Jose, recognize!)
Dessert was...
1) Key lime cheesecake.
Every dad needs a day off. As Mac Dre said: treat yourself, don't cheat yourself!
Happy belated b-day, dude!
Nice Good Job
Happy bday Soccer Dad! Just had my bday yesterday. Cancers rule!
happy b-day. I got 3 out of 6!
Happy birthday, dude. I can't believe I never knew about the free Todai meal for your birthday. They ended it before I even knew about it! Sure beats the hell out of the free Denny's meal on your b-day (although I do love me some Moons O'er My Hammie)
Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. Even to Adult DVD troller.
MD, the evil truth is that Todai altered its free birthday meal policy. Now you have to eat there on your b-day and you receive a coupon for a free meal (that requires you to bring a friend). It's hogwashery!
Happy Birthday! I got 4/6 correct! Thanks for the present to me. lol
Excellent day! although I would have indulged in #1-#4 on the dessert menu, and hit the other Todai. . .
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