May is APA Heritage Month. To kick off the month, my wife and I took our baby daughter to the 28th annual Coalition of Asian Pacific Americans (CAPA) Festival here in New York.
Yeah, I know at 4 months old it might be a little early to begin our daughter's edumacation in the role of Asian heritage in America. But having had a winter baby means that it's been many moons since we entered parental hibernation, and cabin fever sure has taken its toll on our social life.
It was great to see our old friends in the community and our fellow foot soldiers in the struggle for collective empowerment. Oh, and of course, it was the perfect chance for us to show off our little chubster. With her gurgling, babbling and toothless smiles, she was a natural social butterfly. Made us proud to have added another to our ranks. I guess that "Maddox" hairstyle helped too. It's natural, hair stands up on its own.
To sum up the festival, it was not much different from previous years. Performances from various dance ensembles, Asian-American bands, arts, crafts, and food booths. Needless to say, a fair bit of networking and some cross-pollination of social, cultural and political ideas, concepts and initiatives going on. Kinda like the blogosphere itself, but with a cool breeze, delectable edibles and lots of bubble tea.
So what are you RiceDaddies doing to celebrate APA Heritage Month? Three more weeks to go, and I'd love to know what you all are doing. Any suggestions on how best to celebrate? What's going on in your neighborhoods and in your schools? Post your thoughts in the comments.
UPDATE: Comments have been turned on. Thanks to Thisislarry for the heads-up!
Fighting to ensure justice in regards to anti-Asian hate crimes.
I agree. I actually signed that petition as soon as it was set up. Additionally, I filed a complaint online at the following link http://mtaig.state.ny.us/html/complnts.html
Feel free to use any or all portions of my letter in your own online complaint:
"It appears that the MTA does not place a priority on the safety of Asian-American girls like Marie Stefanie Martinez. As a concerned father and New Yorker, I will not tolerate a transit system within which the safety of my daughter is not a priority.
"I would like to know why you have not released details of the disciplinary action taken against the driver of the B82 bus upon which Ms. Martinez was attacked on March 16. Is it because the MTA is trying to conceal the fact that it places a low priority upon the safety of Asian-American girls? Please let me know if this is the case, so that I can inform the rest of the community that the MTA transportation system is not safe for Asian girls.
"I eagerly await your explanation. In the meantime, my daughter will undergo extensive martial arts training. Beware, Mr. Bus Driver!"
very pretty girl:)
Thanks for filing a complaint w/ OIG, let me know if they get back to you. I'm currently collaborating with the Organization of Chinese Americans - New York chapter & United Chinese Association of Brooklyn to see if a community meeting w/ MTA can be arranged to assess what, if anything, they did to address the Martinez hate crime. I have had contact w/ the JACL & OCA on this issue, sadly no response from NaFFAA.
that pic is hilarious
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