Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mad Face Invasion

One of the fun games we play is for young Mace to show us his faces: happy, sad, surprised, and mad. So when photo day rolled around, guess which one he wanted to flash? No coaxing from the staff could dissuade him.

A brief moment of 2.5 year old folly or a sign of future rebellion?



Lumpyheadsmom said...

Sign of a bad photographer. Or a highly evolved sense of humor, making run-of-the-mill photographer antics not amusing in the least.

Anonymous said...

hahaa... that's funny. =)

Anonymous said...

he's a tough little guy - you can tell. =) that's a great photo! =P

SoulSnax said...

Perhaps he was taking a cue from this kid:

Anonymous said...

that's really having fun
with your kid...i laughed
my head off!
my 2.5 yr old has these expressions
and i can't explain it!!

Anonymous said...

Caachi Films ( is inviting you to download for free "Dat Kho: Land of Sorrows", "Five", "My life ... disoriented" and "Shift". If you like the films, please let your website visitors know about them and join our affiliate program (see the link below).

To download your films, contact us at, and we'll send you film tickets and instructions to download the films. By the way, here's the original message we wanted to send to you (but we didn't have your email address):

Tom and the Caachi crew

rt said...

he's only 2.5!? he looks so grown-up. you know what's funny though? i'm working on a project that this reminds me of. bell hooks in Art on My Mind talks about African American men trying to represent themselves in hypermasculine ways in order to combat emasculating treatment. so i was looking online for examples of this--also with other men of color. and i think the images you've collected here are perfect.

also that video cracks me up.

Jon said...

Classic. But I could take him.

Anonymous said...

that is one intimidatingly arched eyebrow.

when my son makes these faces we call them the "angry eyes."