You've no doubt read the flurry of reactions that followed writer Jennifer Senior's New York Magazine cover story earlier this month, "All Joy and No Fun: Why Parents Hate Parenting." Last week, NPR's Tell Me More with Michel Martin devoted its regular parenting segment, "Mocha Moms," to discussing the article.
Today, I joined Keith Morton of African American Dad (who I had the pleasure of speaking with in 2008 and 2009 on Tell Me More's pre-Father's Day roundtables), Paul Fidalgo of Bloc Raisonneur, New York Magazine writer Jennifer Senior, and host Michel Martin to lend a dad's perspective on the issue.
I think it was a pretty good discussion, and would love to hear your opinions here. (Oh, and this was my 1-and-a-half-year-old's NPR debut! LOL--didn't realized she'd be that loud!)
Weird. I had many problems leaving a comment. Somehow I got onto a screen that didn't look like the regular blogger comment form. Probably my poor navigation skills.
Anyway, I went ahead and wrote a response to the article and the NPR show on Daddy Dialectic.
Here's a link.
Oddly enough I was working on a post about it.
It's up now:
Too loaded a topic for just one comment. It was a good article and a good NPR piece. I liked that you provided a background for your comment. I think it is important. I wish during the conversation culture would have been brought more into the forefront. Jennifer identifies in her article that the studies were done with middle class parents. Was culture a factor?
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