Yes, that's a paper towel around The Pumpkin's neck. And yes, she's not wearing a shirt underneath it, either. (And yes, she's eating with two spoons, don't ask.) I had just put all the bibs in the laundry that morning, forgetting that I was gonna give her soup, one of her favorite things, for lunch. So I pulled off her shirt and grabbed two paper towels, still attached to each other, and ripped a lengthwise tear in one for a head-hole, stopping before the perforation. So it ain't pretty--but it worked!
So, what are your favorite "parent-as-MacGyver" moments?
Do making origami things for the kids to play with out of those paper placemats they give the kids when you go out to a restaurant (and forget to bring any toys or anything to keep the kids busy) count?
And the paper towel bib? Genius. MacGyver would be proud if he weren't busy moonlighting over at Stargate.
The papertowel bib is PURE genius Jason..you are truely a great daddy who thinks on his feet..a rare quality indeed :)
I've seen dishtowel bibs but the papertowel takes it to a whole new level. Nice.
I can see it now, DISL taking a roll of Bounty everywhere:
Need a spare diaper, ma'am? no problem, I can whip one out of two sheets!
Need a table-time activity for your toddler, sir? Here, have a sheet, and these crayons!
Oooh, spit-up on your blouse, miss? Take two of these -wear it just like my daughter over there. Yes, my wife IS modelling one, too, thank you for noticing.
:) you rock, DISL -L
i always feel especially macgyverish when i'm eating out with the kids... it's amazing to me what will keep them occupied for a few minutes - pieces of bread, plastic utensils, straws, pkgs of saltines, pks of half/half, ketchup packets, menus, etc...
of course, meals will take two + hours to finish but by then it's naptime so it's a win win!
Dude, Larry, it's not even funny that I keep a roll of paper towels in the car at all times, man. Stems from one of the times The Pumpkin was especially vomit-prone. Heh.
Forgive the intrusion, but bear with a newbie in this blog universe (despite my dormant ownership of an account for a while). But from one parent to another, I like reading your site. Thanks for the bib idea, we run out of them as well and I think I will use your template.
The Church question is interesting in the prior post . . . same challenge for my wife and I with our newborn. In our situation, The tensions between cultural continuity and healthy self perceptions, and at the same time being at odds with a certain predominance of evangelical culture (again I specify this as our challenge). Currently we attend a mainline anglo congregation (they call it multicultural . . . sheesh another romanticized term) but only to free ourself from the tug and pull of recruiter in Korean American congregations, so that we can enjoy our "post-ministerial" identities. Anyhow, being in this context I do feel the invisible influences of self perception already developing in my son. Things that worry me that I know I will have to deal with, if we remain in this congregation long term.
Anyhow, sorry about the excess, but again, excuse the ramblings of a newbie, who wants to make friends. Peace!
NJK: welcome!
DISL: road trip hurling, now there's a topic ripe for its own post. At least now it makes sense to me why airliners have those cute little doggie bags in the seatback in front of you....
gawdddauurn it! I meant: BJK, welcome!
I never stopped long enough to think to make a head hole that way. I've used paper towel before as a bib, but it wasn't pretty at all. In the end, it served its purpose well. hehe
Damn crafty Asians
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