For the most part, the two of us seem to be as prepared as we can be. We've finished the nursery, installed the car seats, taken birthing classes and the dresser's overflowing with enough bodysuits and onesies to clothe an entire brood. All we need now is the kid, I suppose.
Also, I think our dog Spaz is starting to get a little suspicous. We figured he wasn't completely oblivious to Nakko's pregnancy. He would occassionally rub his head against her belly and be much more affectionate around her. Now he seems to be a little annoyed that Kiki's furniture is encroaching on his space. For instance, we've had to move his doggie bed to the other side of the room to fit Kiki's Pack 'n' Play, so now he refuses to sleep in it. It probably doesn't help that we now keep the baby's room door closed (he used to sneak in there and sleep on the bed.) Also, he sometimes gets queasy and throws up when Nakko takes him for walks in the afternoon. Could the dog be going through "sympathy symptoms" too?!
The other issue we're dealing with now that the baby's almost here is what to do once our leave is up. Nakko's taking a total of six weeks maternity leave before she goes back to work part-time. I've taken three weeks off (you should've seen the shocked looks on my male co-workers' faces when they found out I was taking an unheard-of three weeks for the birth of my baby girl). Since the idea of working from home is blasphemous around the office, I was contemplating finding a new J.O.B. that offered the benefit of telecommuting. Thought I had one in the bag, but that kind of fell by the wayside. SO here's my question to you kindly folks since I know some of you are work-at-home dads. Are there any resources for people to find WAH opportunities? Aside from, you know, starting my own business, turning to craigslist or investing in a bunch of bone-scanners Will Smith-style, that is?
please forgive my ignorance, but I've been searching all day to figure out what WATH is.
oh, and congratulations! the anticipation is the hardest part.
Congratulations on the imminent arrival of your beautiful babygirl! I am a lurker that found your blog through angry asian man!! I love your blog!
I am sure everything will work out for the best in terms of your job situation too.
Sorry. That should've read "WAHD" for "Work at home dad." My bad. I fixed it in the post! Thanks!
Congratulations on your baby. While your baby is now considered full-term and you think she could come any day now, don't forget that it's also possible for the baby to come late, which happens more frequently to first-time mothers. My daughter was 10 days past due. Talk about it feeling like an eternity to meet her. My daughter, BTW, is Kiki as well. It is a nickname to her first name, which is Japanese. I am Korean and DH is Japanese
BTW, I just saw that you live in Towson, MD... just like I used to. What type of work do you do? I could look into some resources and ask my friends who are WAH dudes how they got into their jobs. (They are still making a fairly decent income, too.)
They all sort of live in the Reisterstown/Owings Mills area though.
congrats on the girl!! girls are so much fun to dress!
here are my babytips. though SF centric...
many have found them useful
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